Human character are like identity card that distinguishes individual's in their own unique way. Human character is not formed out of hereditary and the needs for social influences, there are lot of argument On the web about how human character are bein formed.
Some school of thought are of the opinion that human character as a result of social influences in their society. Human character is formed as a result of Human aspiration or needs for power and needs for social feelings.
The needs for power and social feelings are opposition and each of us is unique because we all accept or rejects the forces in different ways.
Human being will show aggressive character trait when the needs for power gains upper hand over the needs for social feelings, the person concerned will reveal certain aggressive character trait like: ambitions for power; envy; jealousy etc. or sometime may lead to non-aggressive behaviours like: anxiety; timidity; or absence of social grace.
"Human inadequacy can create an intensity that can give tremendous enrgy."